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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hollywood Babble On & On #334: The Foundation Crumbles...

This may come as a bit of a shock to those of you who see me as a font of all things hip, trendy, and fashionable, but I have a confession to make. Growing up, I was, and still am, a science fiction fan.

I know, I spent a good part of my childhood literally consuming the works of Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein, HG Wells, Jules Verne, Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury, Phillip K. Dick, and of course, Isaac Asimov.

In Junior High I read just about all of the Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, a sweeping epic about the collapse of a mighty Galactic Empire, and a small community dedicated to building a new civilization from the ashes of the old.

I just read a piece that announced that a Hollywood studio was going to make a movie from Foundation, which piqued my interest, then I realized that they were going to screw it all up as usual.

The word is that Roland Emmerich, Hollywood's master of overwrought bombast will helm the movie version of Foundation.

If you listen carefully, you can hear Asimov spinning in his grave.

Now Foundation is a tricky thing to adapt. First, it's not just one book, it's a series of novels, the first ones are collections of stories illustrating episodes in Asimov's future-history, without a single character to portray as the "star" except for Hari Seldon, who, not counting the prequels, is an old man in a wheelchair and an intellectual, not an Emmerich style action hero.

As a director Emmerich is more interested in overblown special effects than telling a coherent story, which is why he's been doing so many disaster movies lately. His solution to creative problems is to bring in a bigger tidal wave.

Now it is possible to adapt Foundation, I think that it can be done. However, I do believe that its episodic structure and constantly shifting cast of characters means that a satisfying big-screen feature film is most likely an impossibility.

I've always viewed Foundation as a limited run television series like I, Claudius, where a top notch, but relatively unknown cast brings to life a compelling story, that despite what Hollywood may think, does have enough action and suspense, and doesn't need any big tidal waves. With today's technology, it could even be done pretty cheaply if you don't blow it on stars that can't carry the weight of the project. Then you'll have fans buying the DVD box-set, watching the reruns on cable, and generally keeping it a perennial favourite that will keep it a money-earner well into the future. And then there's the merchandising, I know that may sound crass, but geeks will buy merch that they feel honours the original instead of mangling it.

This is Asimov's I, Robot, all over again. What was a fascinating and compelling drama about the nature of machines and humanity, transformed into just another over-loud, gun-blasting action fest that although profitable, was pretty much forgotten within 15 minutes of the film's release.

Now I'm having nightmares of Will Smith, or Tom Cruise as a gun toting Hari Seldon, blasting bad guys left and right while tossing off catch-phrases designed to sound cool to a 12 year old.

Please Hollywood, step back from the book. For your own good, please step back from the book.

What do you readers think of this revolting development, and how would you adapt Foundation, and with whom?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday Silliness Cinema: Mystery Science Theatre 3000

Hello, and welcome to my weekly break from ranting about the business of pop culture, for a little laugh. This week we get a visit from the guys at Mystery Science Theatre 3000, one of the best comedy shows of all time.


Justify Full

I'll be back to ranting and raving about business as soon as a story breaks. So keep coming back.

Plus I'm doing some tweaking with the blog's look, feel free to let me know what you think.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hollywood Babble On & On #333: MGM, Relativity, & 2 Combating Columnists!

The Wrap's Sharon Waxman poo-pooed Nikki Finke for poo-pooing The Wrap's story about a plot by Relativity Media to take over MGM by buying up their debt, forcing the semi-moribund studio into bankruptcy, then taking it over, sweeping out the old management, putting in some new folks, and remaking the studio in their image.

Sharon Waxman says yes, and has what is alleged to be samples from a Relativity presentation called "Project Smith." The presentation illustrates a plan to take over an unnamed studio code-named "Smith" and by the way, Studio Smith, just happens to have the James Bond franchise.

Nikki Finke says that her sources say that Relativity is planning some other deal with the debt, possibly selling it at a profit at a future date when the general economy, and the studio are on a surer footing.

I'm not sure who to believe.

So let's look at the evidence:

Relativity recently dipped its toe in MGM's pond by co-producing the remake of
The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3.

The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3 lost a lot of money for Relativity, Columbia, and MGM, ouch.

Relativity has a very close relationship with Universal Pictures.

However, that relationship can't all that hot right now, especially after the bath both companies took with the movie
Land of the Lost, and Relativity's rather odd decision to buy Universal's former "B-Movie" division Rogue Pictures and turn it into some sort of "lifestyle brand."

So this could go either way. The Project Smith papers could merely be a trial balloon by some executives at Relativity that got leaked, or it could be a real plan of action. The real trick is if Relativity and its backers have the hard cash to take over MGM, and make it an active company without amassing the sort of crippling debt that's kept the company from being more than just a bare bones distributor and a film library.

In the case of Waxman vs Finke, I only have one solution to prove who is right:


Thursday, July 23, 2009

On Comedy: What Hollywood Thinks Is Funny

Nikki Finke got her dander up about the Fox Network's request that writers wanting to work on the upcoming Wanda Sykes Show, to provide try-out material for free. I have to differ with her, they can't use anything on air without paying for it, but they also can't pay several hundred comedy writers to submit test material.

I had a similar experience when I was in college. Word went out that a sketch comedy pilot was being put together. They had 6 performers, and were looking for around the same number of staff writers. After a round of reading some pre-existing material, they called in around 40 candidates for a final try-out. We were brought to a comedy club, met the cast, and were given the front pages of several newspapers, and given about 90 minutes to write something topical.

Since all the papers were going on about a study about the rise of girls belonging to street gangs, I wrote a piece called "Gang Violence Barbie." That piece put me over the top, and I was hired.

Sadly, the pilot never got beyond the script stage. The producer blew the budget on market research, hoping that it would give her the magic formula for a hit show, instead it turned what was a clever, if a bit scatter-shot, sketch show, into a sitcom about angels that didn't have any actual jokes in it.

The reason it became a sitcom about angels: Because of an ad campaign for Philly Cream Cheese that was very successful. In fact, that ad campaign is still running, sadly, its popularity sank our hopes for a pilot, let alone a series.

Anyway, I wasn't paid for the tryout material, because it wasn't going to be used. In fact, nothing anyone in the group was going to be used once the focus groups and marketing people were through rewriting butchering it, but that's not the main topic of this post.

What concerns me is what the
Wanda Sykes Show is looking for in the field of material. Take a look at what the memo says: (click to enlarge)

Now let's take a look at what kind of where they are coming from at some of the types of routines they're looking for.

- Shopping for a pet with Michael Vick.

That's like offering to take Charles Manson to a Hollywood Party. It serves no purpose, and what humor could Wanda Sykes extract from a pet store employee calling the police, because I believe that sort of behaviour would be considered a violation of his plea agreement.

-Trying to get Congressmen Peter King to cry about Michael Jackson at some sort of Michael Jackson tribute at a Veteran's Hall.

Okay, and how are you going to swing that? I'm sure Peter King would probably just tell you off and hang up.

-Get a walk through for a "gay exorcism."

Didn't Bruno already do stuff like this? Or was it Bill Maher in Religulous? And I think we know how that worked out for them. All I really see is Wanda trying to pick a fight with people most Christians consider as on the fringe, and attempting to paint all Christians as being like them. Now that's comedy.

-Look for the "Department of Law" Sarah Palin talked about.

Okay, now this is a bit of a stretch. We're talking about a slip of the tongue from a now former politician, being extended into some sort of major news story that can justify a full on comedy sketch. About 90% of people who don't view the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos as their only new sources probably never even heard of that gaffe, let alone what the sketch is supposed to be about.

Then there's the issue of relevance. Sarah Palin's run for the Vice Presidency ended in November 2008, and resigned as governor of Alaska this month. This show will probably be coming around about September-October 2009 at the earliest. That means any sketch done about it will be done about a year after she was nationally relevant news. That's a hell of a way to stay topical. I'll have more to say about this topic later, because it shows up again with...

-Inserting Wanda into a reverse of Palin's resignation explainer-- along with that creepy looking audience of five--

Okay, here's I guess is the point of the sketch, Alaskans are creepy.

Ouch, I think my side has split.

But seriously, this tells me a lot about the thinking, or lack thereof, of the people who are behind this show.

1. They think anyone who doesn't live in the Axis of Ego is somehow "creepy."

2. They have no idea of the law of unintended consequences.

As for #1, this is Hollywood we're talking about here, anyone over 35 whose face isn't frozen into a botox related grimace, is considered the odd one out. Add that the only "average people" who they meet are either serving them, or servicing them in one way or another, and you get a sense of humour that thinks mocking ordinary people for their ordinariness is funny.

Which brings me to #2, the law of unintended consequences. Sarah Palin, despite what the media says, is a very popular politician, with the compelling narrative of a working class background, becoming a small town mayor, taking on and beating a corrupt Republican political machine, to become a popular governor. She is also seen as the victim of a character assassination campaign unseen since HUAC. The more the media picks on her, making jokes about her and her family, long after the election, and even when she's no longer the governor of a relatively remote and underpopulated state, the more popular she becomes with the folks in Flyover Country. The unintended consequence is that such material, and its repetition, could put Palin in the White House in 2012 or 2016. I don't think Wanda Sykes really wants that, but since all she and the others making this show hear is that they're doing the right thing and "saving" the country, they honestly don't see it.

Another thing that sort of sticks in my craw is the claim that Wanda Sykes "speaks up to power without talking down to people."

I don't know, I caught her performance at the Press Club dinner, and aside from a few tepid jabs at the people who were actually in power, she spent most of the night going on about those who were out of power. Because she is a Hollywood person, no matter how much she may deny it, and in Hollywood comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable translates to: Only make jokes that won't endanger your invitation to next party at Spago's or your potential for an Emmy nomination.

She could rebel and make jokes about the people in power, but since the people in power in Washington, are very close to the people in power in Hollywood, that's just too dangerous to try. And when your act is basically being shrill and self righteous, you can't afford to do anything truly dangerous, because that won't get you your own talk/comedy show.

At least we can take small comfort that this show will probably last about a half hour longer than the show I worked on.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hollywood Babble On & On #332: Miscellaneous Money/Movie Musings


Word is out that director Sam Raimi will direct a feature film based on the World of Warcraft online computer game for Warner Bros. It'll be the first film where the hero not only has to defeat villains, monsters, and
dangerous traps, but also morbid obesity.

But seriously, I find it interesting that Warner Bros. is in such a feast or famine situation when it comes to fantasy and adventure franchises that they have to got to a video game company for ideas. They have Batman, and Harry Potter, two of the biggest movie series going, but outside of those two, they've had very little luck at best, or at worst, make Superman Returns.

The reason I find it so interesting is that Warner
Bros. has the same owners as DC Comics.

DC frikkin' Comics!

They should have franchises coming out of their ears. Yet so far in the past 10 years they've had 2 Batmans (1 great, 1 stupendous), 1 Superman (whiny, tedious), 2 films that didn't leave room for traditional sequels (
Watchmen, 300) and a lot of promised DC projects that never come to fruition.

Now some are pointing at the recent news about the casting of Ryan Reynolds as
Green Lantern as a sure sign of a new franchise, but I still think they will find a way to screw it up.

Warner Bros. has been having a good time lately, but that doesn't mean that they should rest on their laurels. They have to find out what is blocking them from successfully developing these DC properties, and fix it. Right now comic book and fantasy franchises are hot, hot, hot, and they can't just sit back and let Marvel dominate the field.


Morgan Spurlock the self styled gonzo documentarian and Fu Manchu mustache aficionado is going back to his biggest success by producing a comic book series inspired by his movie Super-Size Me. The comic will be a mish-mash of urban legends, and lectures about the evils of fast food.

Call me cynical, but this strikes me as Spurlock trying to reclaim some relevance after his attempt at being the thin Michael Moore,
Where In The World Is Osama Bin Ladin, missed the 15 minute window that was open just after the success of Fahrenheit 9/11.

I don't think this series will last. I don't think comic fans will buy up something that is pretty much yelling at them with gross stories about their cheeseburger.


The indefatigable Nikki Finke reports some possible good news in the film completion insurance business, especially for independent filmmakers. I can see the potential for greatly improving the indie film business, especially since the majors seem mired in a sense of entitlement that lead to bloated CEO salaries while their stocks and investors suffer.

Right now is a good time for independent filmmakers to forge a profitable niche for themselves by making appealing films, with modest budgets, and well constructed marketing, and distribution campaigns. Of course that would require someone in independent cinema breaking their own mindset issues, and forging a bold new course.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hollywood Babble On & On #331: 2 Bits About Bosses


Kim Masters at The Daily Beast is a little amazed that the majority of the rumors about who is to blame for the slow sinking of the good ship NBC-Universal don't put the blame on its Captain and First Mate, CEO Jeff Zucker and network boss Ben Silverman.

The prevalent theory is that Zucker, Silverman, and/or their staff are planting the rumors in hope that it will somehow help them keep their jobs.

I can believe that theory, because they're definitely not running a studio/network, and henceforth have the time to go around planting rumors. The studio's had a string of turkeys this summer, and even managed to turn a #1 opening weekend for Bruno into a disaster.

On the network side NBC can't buy a hit, literally. The entire network's become a black hole, just being their has become a mark against the shows, regardless of quality.

The company needs a fresh start, with fresh blood, and you can't get much fresher than...
You can't blame me for trying.

Anyway, in other news...


Defamer's buzzing about an anonymous help wanted ad calling for an assistant for a New York movie executive. They suspect the ad was posted by Bob Weinstein, who is debuting on this blog, and that he is in need of some help with operating The Weinstein Co. which currently makes NBC-U look well run.

Let's have a look at the ad, and I'll tell you what they're really looking for:
Responsibilities include:

· Managing heavy phones, rolling calls, and maintaining call sheet

Somebody to run interference from filmmakers demanding to know why their film hasn't been released, and won't be released, ever.

· Scheduling meetings and managing calendar for all work and personal related matters

Arrange meeting times that I'll ignore, and be able to take getting blamed for me being late.

· Supply constant mobile communication and attend to personal errands

Be able to answer my phone and wipe my ass at the same time.

· Preparation and submission of expense reports

Lots of imagination needed.

· Liaison between executive and studio presidents, financial institutions, talent agencies, principal investors, fortune 500 CEOs, writers, directors, producers, and A-list talent

You have to do it, because none of them are talking to me.

· Able to juggle multiple tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities

Basically do everything I tell you, all at the same time.

· Booking all travel and travel arrangements

Be able to book my travel on your credit card instead of the company card. The company will reimburse you, I swear.

· Traveling with executive, usually at the last minute and for unknown periods of time

I need someone to carry my luggage, and on occasion, me.

· Superb gate-keeping skills

Must be able to hold back angry torch wielding mobs. Which are legal in New York as long as they don't smoke indoors.

· Ability to travel on a moments notice and stay away from home for uncertain amounts of time

If I need you to meet me in the woods and to bring a shovel, you will do it.

· Ability to stay on top of an ever-changing day and night

Follow my mood swings.

· Attending events and company-related functions with executive

Do my running and fetching, and making sure that everyone knows that I'm still important.

· Take dictation and be responsible for speaking on behalf of executive

Write down what I say, and then leak it to the press, verbatim, to make the company look like it's still viable.

· Coordinate screenings, meetings, private lodging, parties, etc. for executive and senior staff

Must know what places don't ask for cash up front.

Experience and qualifications must include:

· BA/BS degree

We've got lots of BS here, that's for certain.

· Expansive knowledge of film and the film industry

Know the difference between who hates me, who loathes me, and who is plotting to kill me.

· Must know how to do script coverage

Look at films that we either won't make, or bury if they do get made.

· Minimum 2-3 years experience assisting another top-level executive or high-level professional

I need someone to tell me what it is that a top level executive actually does.

· Organized and detail-oriented

Be what I am not.

· Excellent writing and communication skills

Mus rite gud an talc widdout usin da word "fuck" in every sentence.

· Personable and professional demeanor

Keeping your crying jags, and depression fueled booze and drug binges on your own time.

· Minimum of three references

Not that I'll be able to check them, no one's talking to me anyway.

· Must know how to use blackberry and Microsoft Outlook

Because I don't.

· Mac & PC literate

Able to fix the computer that I threw at you.

Wow, that ad says a lot.


Who could that be?

Bob Weinstein?


Monday, July 20, 2009

Hollywood Babble On & On #330: Pound Foolish


Word on the street is that Sony is the front runner to make some sort of feature film from the 80 hours of rehearsal footage, and pre-shot interstitial material the late pop star filmed just before his death.

Now the price is rumored to be north of $50 million. Which I find rather interesting, because the first reports said that the bidding would start at $50 million. Since they're not bragging about how frenzied the bidding was, or how much higher than $50 million the final price will be, I have the feeling that bidding wasn't particularly frenzied, or that AEG will be getting much more than starting price. At least that's my suspicion.

Anyway, this brings me to the price itself. $50,000,000 seems a tad high to me for something that may never be more than a ghoulish curiosity. Because the reports I've seen about those rehearsals say that Jackson just couldn't deliver the energy that made his early performances so popular due to age, poor health, and a reported loss of passion for performing. It strikes me that Sony will have their work cut out for them if they're going to make anything out of the 80 hours of footage that won't come across as a redux of the whole Britney Spears/MTV Awards fiasco.

Now MTV used that to get their logo on every infotainment show in the world, but Sony will be buying into a different situation. I'm talking $50 million + to buy the footage, several million in post production costs to make it into something coherent, then promotion and distribution, which could be anywhere from another $50-$100 million+ added on top. This could end up costing Sony anywhere between $100-$200 million, which means that the film would have to be a blockbuster of
Transformers/Harry Potter levels to make a profit in theaters. Despite the recent canonization of Jackson in the aftermath of his demise, that sort of excitement won't be at the same fever pitch by the time the film comes out. I don't really see a concert/rehearsal film making that kind of money, even when you put DVDs into the equation.


Once upon a time a 2oth Century Fox had a show on the enchanted Fox Network called Futurama, created by Matt Groening. It did okay, I thought it's satire was a tad ham-fisted, but it had its fans. However, the Fox Network didn't think there were enough of them, so they shit-canned the show.

But that wasn't the end of this little fairy tale. Original DVD movies did very well, reviving interest in the show, and Comedy Central offered to buy new episodes for their channel.

20th Century Fox seemed happy at first to get the show moving again, but decided that they didn't need the original cast, and put out a call for cheaper replacements.

And then it was revealed that the 20th Century Fox was in fact not a Wicked Witch, but a Witless Witch.

I can't keep up the faux-fairy tale spiel, so I'll cut it out, and tell you why 20th Century Fox has its head up its ass but thinks its brilliant...

The fans of
Futurama are surprisingly dedicated to the show. They watch the reruns, and the DVDs and can recite dialogue from their fave episodes. They are going to notice that the voices they have loved are gone, replaced by illegal immigrant labour, and they are going to resent it, big time. The fans are going to hold it against the new show, and most likely avoid it as a pale imitation, or rip-off, of their beloved original, and they're going to tune out.

That's why the move was stupid, but here is my theory as to why Fox thinks they're being clever.

Comedy Central is owned by a rival company, and Fox doesn't want a rival to have any success with something that they considered a failure. So they're going to sabotage this iteration of
Futurama, and gloat about their rival failing.

Of course, they are ruining the success of the show as well as ruining the potential those new
Futurama episodes could have in syndication, because Fox will no doubt foist them upon the broadcasters of the original Futurama, and drive those hard core fans away from that as well.

The show will fade from syndication, and an opportunity to revive a franchise and make it work will be missed.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hollywood Babble On & On #329: Musings on Movies, Money & Madness


The latest installment in the Harry Potter franchise raked in over $150+ million over the past 5 days, putting its studio Warner Bros. over the $1 billion mark in revenues this summer.

They're the second studio to hit that mark, right after Paramount, but unlike Paramount they don't have to contend with a massive debt with their parent company, and spending the last few years releasing films that made money for other people, but not them. They are also the only company that has consistently beat the billion for 10 of the past 11 years.

This is due to the success of Harry Potter's latest field trip from Hogwarts, but also the films that the media considered surprise moneymakers like The Hangover ($235 million domestic) and Gran Torino ($148 million).

I'm sure both were considered to have potential, or they wouldn't have been given the green light, but not that sort of potential. The Hangover was an R Rated comedy with no stars that didn't involve teenagers and pies, so the expectations of the studio were probably modest. Considering that they gleefully signed a profit participation deal with the director in lieu of an up front fee to save money they were probably very modest indeed. When it hit as big as it did, I'm sure Todd Phillips was dancing with glee.

Another film with modest expectations was Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino. Here is a film with a star that's pushing 80, playing a crusty prejudiced crank and the catchphrase of "Get off my lawn." That's not exactly what blockbusters are made from, yet that was Eastwood's strategy, one he had followed for years. Take a look at Clint's filmography, the great majority of his films had modest budgets, yet big ambitions. He deliberately followed that strategy knowing that if he proved himself a consistently profitable filmmaker and star, who didn't risk the studio's financial future with every picture, he could have the independence that he wanted even though he was a part of the studio system.

Both films succeeded, and helped push their studio over the top because the delivered what they promised, and did it at a reasonable price. If other studios followed that strategy and didn't put all their eggs in the proverbial cinematic basket of a tiny handful of overpriced, overwrought "blockbusters," and balanced them out with smaller films with broad appeal, they could reach a nice equilibrium of consistent profitability.

Sadly, too many companies are wrapped up in the "blockbuster or else" strategy to see that there's a better and cheaper way right under their noses.


The publicists for the film The Ugly Truth starring Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler, showed some grace under pressure when the hotel that was hosting their press junket got a bomb threat.

Now I could say that the only bomb in that hotel was a Katherine Heigl romantic comedy, but I won't, because I'm classy, and I already used that joke somewhere else.

What I would like to talk about is how the publicists simply moved the entire operation to a restaurant across the street, and got the job done.

Now those publicists deserve some kudos. They followed the old showbiz maxim that the show must go on to the letter. It showed a level of professionalism that's hard to find among the spoiled masses of Hollywood's elite. This is especially true in the field of movie publicity, when disaster strikes, you use it, and milk it for as much free coverage as you can.

So to publicity department of Sony Studios, you are my magnificent bastards of the week!*


I don't normally report of celebrity behavior, it's too damn repetitive, but I thought I must make a mention of reports that are burning up the gossip blogs about actress Mischa Barton. The reports, and I'm not making any claim as to their accuracy, say that she was committed to a period of psychiatric evaluation after an alleged 3 day cocaine and party binge.

I was not surprised by this report, what I am surprised is that it's not happening every day to Hollywood's current generation of starlets and wannabe starlets. We live in an age where a young actress can click with a successful TV show or movie, assume that it guarantees her a big-name A-List movie career, and flounders with a series of unseen films, missed opportunities, and dwindling finances.

Toss in the 24/7 bottomless chum bucket of gossip blogs, tabloid fish-wraps, celebrity magazines, and infotainment shows, with a nightclub culture willing to pay young actresses up to $100,000 a night to dance, drink, and do drugs in front of the paparazzi at their establishments, and an audience more interested in the schadenfreude achieved from seeing the young and attractive destroy themselves in public, and you've got a perfect recipe for self destruction.

I expect more young stars to hit bottom in the months to come. With overvalued mortgages due and no one willing to hire a neurotic addict who parties all night, every night, things are only going to get worse for a lot more of them.

*This I hope to make a regular feature where I will give kudos to deserving Hollywood folks who show professionalism, intelligence, guts, or guile.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hollywood Babble On & On #328: Miscellaneous Money-Movie-Media Musings

As I mentioned in my last post, today was the day of the annual library sale, where the public and school libraries of three counties put all their over-stock books together and sell them at great prices. I'm talking $5 for 3 hardcovers, and $2 for 3 paperbacks (mass market and trade size).

For a stingy yet voracious reader like myself, I always go ape-shit crazy at this sale, and I bought a huge load of books for about $25 in just about every genre and subject. The trick is that you have to get to the back room of a small town library at before 8:00 AM on a Saturday, and wait amid a cloud of blackflies and mosquitoes for them to unlock the door. Then you have to fight the crowd, which gets bigger every year and these book buyers can get pretty aggressive.

Thankfully I had my mace.
I showed that little old lady who's the boss when she tried to poach that book about movies from me. And the lesson is: Don't bring a brittle hip to a mace fight.

Anyway, enough about me, because I'm really boring. You've come here to read me gripe about the business of show biz, so let's go...


The flailing NBC-U empire just released their second quarter revenue report, and their profits are down 41%.


And don't expect things to get much better, especially with their summer tent-pole mockumentary
Bruno collapsing 89% at the Box Office after a big opening night, showing that despite spending around $100 million to promote the film they bought for $42 million, the film did not have legs to wax.

While it's predecessor
Borat made over $100 million domestically, the film cost less thant $20 million total, and had nowhere near the promotion budget Bruno had. Which means that NBC-Universal forgot that the real key to Borat's success was that it was so cheap to produce and release. They thought that if they spent more, they would make more, and forgetting that a hard-R comedy based on an already over-exposed concept.

And don't get me started on the NBC network. The former home of "must see TV" has become a black hole where shows go to die.

And when it comes to the management of the company, all they seem to do is worry about public relations. At this stage, changing your "message" is like giving the Titanic a paint-job as
the North Atlantic comes over the poop deck. The problems with the company start and end at the very top of the company.

In my arrogant opinion, management at the top of NBC-U is completely and totally dysfunctional. And what I don't understand is that General Electric doesn't seem to see it. I know that Zucker, the CEO of NBC-U has a reputation as an ass kisser, but if I ran GE, I don't care if an executive's head shows up on my colonoscopy, if they cost me over 40% of a subsidiary's profits, I'm going to drop them the way NBC Universal dropped Life with Sarah Shahi and some guy named Damian Lewis or something like that.

Anyway, if GE actually realizes that today's economy requires all facets of a company to be at least functional, they may make a move for some reform.

Of course any move to fix NBC-U would require more than a few pink slips at the top, I could loan them a mace if they want it, but I don't think they do anything. It's the law of commercial inertia.


Amazon, the online bookseller, has convinced a lot of people to not buy the e-book reader The Kindle when they snuck into people's machines and deleted copies of George Orwell's 1984 because they were having a dispute with Orwell's publisher. Now they refunded the cost of the e-book to those customers but it does tells me why the e-book will be the flying car of literature, always right around the corner, but never really coming to fruition beyond a novelty.


Because when you buy a Kindle edition, you don't really own that e-book. You are merely licensing the right to read it as long as Amazon keeps on good terms with the publisher, or doesn't just take it back in an act of corporate whimsy. What's to keep them from changing the terms of use, and jack up their prices and demand that you pay the difference, or have your Kindle library deleted?

Nothing, except the fear of litigation, which companies tend to lose when they become big enough to crush all who oppose them.

That's why I will remain a Luddite when it comes to books, I prefer hard copies, and if you want to take them, you not only have to pry them from my cold dead hands, but you will have to get past my mace to even try.


Director/producer Todd Holland is apologizing for remarks he made at the Outfest Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, where he said that some gay actors should stay in the closet for the sake of their careers.

Now I think he was partially right. I think all actors, regardless of sexual preferences, should be in the closet.

I don't care if an actor is gay, straight, bi, tri, or has a fetish for goldfish, and I don't want to hear about it either. I would like to go on line on the internet, or in line at the supermarket, and not see yet another cover story about who the royal hell Jennifer Aniston is dating this week.

Also, I would like to get Jada Pinkett-Smith to stop going on about her and Will Smith's sex lives. Yes, you have a lot of sex, so why are you here talking about instead of at home getting your freak on? Have all the sex you want, let Will wear the French Maid outfit this time, just don't make it national freaking news, because I don't want to hear about it.

So here's my proposal, if gay actors have to be in the closet to protect their careers, then everyone else has to be in the closet as well, and place a moratorium on the media from speculating on their sex lives. Maybe this will make people learn to live without giving a shit about which actor is sleeping with which, and demand more of that bottomless chum bucket called the media than just a sexual tally card.

Saturday Silliness Cinema: A Parcel of Python

I just got back from the annual library overstock sale, and like every year, I went completely ape-shit and bought about 100 pounds of books for about $25. Hardcovers, paperbacks, fiction, non-fiction, anthologies, omnibuses, and just about every genre. So here's some Monty Python, and I promise to post something business and rant related later today. So y'all come back now ya' hear.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sorry folks...

Sorry that I didn't blog today. A mix of slow news, hot weather, and too much else to do. Though I did get a lot of work done on my book about Hollywood business today, so it wasn't a complete wank.

My search for a literary agent is going strong. I sent out just about a dozen queries for this round, got 3 rejections so far, and all the rejections had one thing in common. All three came literally within the amount of time it took to hit the reply button, and paste in a form rejection letter, which tells me that those agents didn't even read the materials their submission guidelines asked for. The fastest was literally within an hour of the e-mail query being sent.

Well, if they don't bother to read the letter and the other materials their guidelines claimed to ask for, I won't be wasting my time with them.

Anyway, posting for tomorrow is a tad uncertain. I have to attend a funeral tomorrow, and will be gone most of the day, and Saturday is the annual summer library overstock sale. Which has a huge selection of used books at rock bottom prices. So I will probably be going ape-shit crazy at the sale, like I do every year.

Be good, and I'll be back posting as soon as possible, until then feel free to read my last two posts, and place your 2 cents in the comments.

The August Chart

The August Chart

The August Chart

Well.. This is a combination of the famous charts world wide of
the 25 hit songs of August.. So let's get started

GET TOGETHER : after Pink having the first position for almost 3 weeks,

now Madonna hits the top from the same album of the super song "Hung Up".

2- CHRISTINA MILIAN SAY I (FEAT. YOUNG JEEZY) : Well, Millian is a pretty famous lady, but the Duet
with Young Jeezy has given the song a stronger potential to be the one and only
song that has been requested more and more on radio stations since the beginning
of this year. The second position is more than what Christina expected, she says
on one of the interviews that she knew the song is gonna be loved by people, but
being crazy about it is a beautiful add.

3- YOUNG DRO SHOULDER LEAN (FEAT. T.I.) : this song has been on top of the Urban Charts for 4 weeks now.
Young Dro is a new artist, and he has proved that he has the looks and the voice
and the got choice of music and words.

4- FATBOY SLIM THAT OLD PAIR OF JEANS : The title of the song is attractive.. Fatboy Slim kept

the position for 2 weeks now.

It seems that "So Sick" has been the perfect gate into the hearts of fans. Ne-yo
Has succeeded in choosing the "Sexy Love" song. Everybody loves it.

: what makes it special is that it is different. The music, the
words, and Michael's voice. All in all, the song is wonderful

after staying in the top of the charts, now it's number 7, but that means
nothing except that it is a very good one.

: the 2006 album is a double cd, full of the best songs ever. Aguilera has
waited 2 whole years before releasing this. The choice of the songs are perfect,
and this song in particular is dedicated to her husband.


GIVE IT UP TO ME : with KEYSHIA COLE the business of music is getting exciting,
where every good artist is in search to make a duet with each others. The song
is hot.

10- KATE RYAN JE T'ADORE : the song is known in some countries more than others. But it is
loved by the people that hear it. The song was with the top 20, and was jumping
since 4 weeks to be in the 10th position now.

also a double cd for Nelly. The LOOSE album has been one of the best selling
ones of July.


BACK : This is a very famous single that's been on the 5th top of the urban

13- MUSE

LL COOL J feat. J. LO

Control Myself
: again this is a song that combined 2 wonderful voices,
catchy music, and nice words. That's what made it stay in charts for almost a
month now.

12- YUNG JOC I KNOW YOU SEE IT : this song has followed the "Goin' Down" success, and been on charts
for 5 weeks now.

: being the 2nd song for this band, this is a major add for their music
record. And this song is a sign of a good career coming along.

14- PARIS HILTON STARS ARE BLIND : this is from the only and first album of Hilton. With the
success it made it makes you wonder whether her pervious success as a
billionaire, model, and a fashion star has helped!

STONED IN LOVE (FEAT. TOM JONES) : Having Tom Jones singing with Chicane made this song special
and made it stay on the charts for weeks too.

16- BEYONCE DEJA VU (FEAT. JAY-Z) : this song was released to promote Beyonce's 2006 album that
is due on the 15th of August, and indeed it did perfectly.

17- KEANE IS IT ANY WONDER? : after staying in the top 10, now it is in the top 20 but never out
of the charts. And I think it deserves more time there.

: the ab\lbum was released a week ago, but the song has leaked to
make an excellent promote for it.

19- T.I. WHY YOU WANNA this song has jumped continuasly to enter the charts, its a great one
and I personally love it.

: being just released, the song has been played again and again on radio
station. Williams has been away for a while now, and everyone wanted to know
what came after the 2005 album, Here it came!

21- JANET JACKSON CALL ON ME (FEAT. NELLY) : Janet was also away for sometime now. But she came
back with Nelly. The song is just what you want to hear in your car, party, or
even alone.

this lady can never stop making good music. Since the beginning, music
critics knew she will have a huge future, and we all agree.

: we discover from his album "Undiscovered" that this new artist has the
needed talent for his song to be in the top 10 on world wide charts soon.

24- LUDACRIS MONEY MAKER : well, some believe that this song was released to be added to a
mixed tape later, but who cares unless it is out and beautiful??

: being the last of 25 songs means nothing except
that it's new and will be on top soon. Not many people have heard it yet, but
you know what it means to have Banks and 50 Cent together!

Avril Lavigne Girlfriend Lyrics

Avril Lavigne Girlfriend Lyrics
Avril Lavigne Girlfriend Song and Lyrics

Girlfriend Lyrics

Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way
I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend

Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend

You're so fine I want you mine
You're so delicious I think about you all the time
You're so addictive don't you know
What I can do to make you feel alright
(alright alright alright)

Don't pretend I think you know
I'm damn precious and hell yeah
I'm the mother fucking princess
I can tell you like me too and you know I'm right
(I'm right I'm right I'm right)

She's like so whatever
You can do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about

Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way no way
I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend

Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend

I can see the way
I see the way you look at me
And even when you look away
I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time
Again and again
(Again again again)

So come over here
And tell me what I wanna hear
Better, yet, make your girlfriend disappear
I don't wanna hear you say her name

Ever again
(Ever again again again)

She's like so whatever
And you can do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about

Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way
I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend

Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend

In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
Cause I can, cause I can do it better
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?

In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
Cause I can, cause I can do it better
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?

Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way
I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend

(No way No way)

Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend

Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend (No Way!)
No way, no way
I think you need a new one (Hey!)
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend (No Way!)

Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me ( No Way!)
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret (Hey!)
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend (No Way!)

Hey Hey!

Avril Lavigne Girlfriend Lyrics from The Best Damn Thing album

Jeremy Piven Eats Chicken, Avoids Mercury (E! Online)

Jeremy Piven Eats Chicken, Avoids Mercury (E! Online)

Jeremy Piven Eats Chicken, Avoids Mercury(E! Online)E! Online - If Jeremy Piven isn't feeling well today, sushi probably isn't the culprit this time around.

Michael Heart - We Will Not Go Down (Song for Gaza) Chord

Michael Heart - We Will Not Go Down (Song for Gaza) Chord


Drake - Best I Ever Had

Drake - Best I Ever Had

Best I Ever Had Lyrics
Artist: Drake
Album: So Far Gone

( Drake Talking )
You know a lot of girls be. . Thinking My songs are about them,
This is not to get confused
This ones for you.

( Chorus )
Baby you my everything
Youre all I ever wanted
We can do it real big
Bigger then you ever done it
You be up on everything
Other hoes ain't never on it
I want this forever I swear
I can spend whatever on it

Cause she hold me down every time I hit her up
When I get right I promise that we gon live it up
She make me beg for it till she give it up
And I say the same thing every single time

I say you the Fuckin best
you the fuckin best
you the fuckin best
you the fuckin best
you the best I Eva had
best I eva had
best I eva had
best I eva had
I said you the fuckin . . .

( Verse 1 )
Know you got a roommate
Call me when there's no one there
Put the key under the mat and
You know I'll be over there
Yup I'll be over there
Shawty I'll be over there
I'll be hitting all the spots that you aint even know was der
Ha and you don't even have to ask twice
You can have my heart or we can share it like the last slice
Always felt like you was so accustomed to the fast life
Have a nigga thinking that he met you in the past life
Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin with no makeup on
That's when youre the prettiest I hope that you don't take it wrong You dont even trip when friends say you aint bringin Drake along
You know that I'm workin I'll be there soon as I make it home
And she a patient in my waitin room
Never pay attention to the rumors and wat they assume
And until them girls prove it
I'm the one to never get confused with cause . . .

( Chorus)
Baby you my everything
Youre all I ever wanted
We can do it real big
Bigger then you ever done it
You be up on everything
Other hoes ain't never on it
I want this forever I swear
I can spend whatever on it

Cause she hold me down every time I hit her up
When I get right I promise that we gon live it up
She make me beg for it till she give it up
And I say the same thing every single time

I say you the Fuckin best
you the fuckin best
you the fuckin best
you the fuckin best
you the best I Eva had
best I eva had
best I Eva had
best I eva had
I said you the fuckin . . .

( Verse 2 )
Sex, Love, Pain
Baby I be on that tank shit
Buzz so big I could probably sell a blank disc
When my album drop bitches will buy it for the pictures
Niggas will buy it too and claim dey got it for they sista
Magazine paper girl the money ain't the issue
They bring dinner to my room ask me to initial
She call me the referee cause I be so official
My shirt aint got no stripes
But I can make ya pussy whiiiiiiiistle
Like The Andy Griffith theme song
And who told you to put them jeans on?
Double cup love you the one I lean On
Feelin' for a fix
Then you should really get ya pheen on
Yeah, just know my condo is the crack spot
Every single show she out there reppin' like a mascot
Get it from the back and make ya fucking bra strap pop
All up in ya slot till a nigga hit the jackpot

( Chorus )
Baby you my everything
Youre all I ever wanted
We can do it real big
Bigger then you ever done it
You be up on everything
Other hoes ain't never on it
I want this forever I swear
I can spend whatever on it

Cause she hold me down every time I hit her up
When I get right I promise that we gon live it up
She make me beg for it till she give it up
And I say the same thing every single time

I say you the Fuckin best
you the fuckin best
you the fuckin best
you the fuckin best
you the best I Eva had
best I eva had
best I Eva had
best I eva had
I said you the fuckin best
you the fuckin best
you the fuckin best
you the fuckin best
you the best i eva had
best i eva had
best i eva had
best i eva had (had...)

( Drake Talking )
oh yeah see this the type
Of joint you gotta dedicate to somebody,
Just make sure they that special somebody
Hehe Young Money
Yeah yeah,
You know who you are,
I got you!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hot Stuff

Hot Stuff

Hot Five Of December

This is the Chart that Comes exactly before Christmas. In it, we will list
the top Video Hits, Radio Hits, and downloaded Hit songs on the web.

Starting with the Top 5 Music Video Songs that are famous on TV Channels and
Music Websites on the Internet. The Songs are from the latest released Hits. So
Here We Go!






These were the Top Videos For December. Much of them are also into the charts
of Radio Stations, Mp3 websites, and other music sites.

Now, We have been working on the top Downloaded Mp3's on the net, Combining
Charts from many famous sources to get the Top 5 Downloaded songs:

(It's no. 5 on the top 20 songs of 2006)

(A winter song)

It Right



Now comes the top 5 Radio Hits of December. Those songs are the most played
songs all over the world.


album "MOVE ALONG")




Hot Stuff

Hot Stuff

Hot Five Of December

This is the Chart that Comes exactly before Christmas. In it, we will list
the top Video Hits, Radio Hits, and downloaded Hit songs on the web.

Starting with the Top 5 Music Video Songs that are famous on TV Channels and
Music Websites on the Internet. The Songs are from the latest released Hits. So
Here We Go!






These were the Top Videos For December. Much of them are also into the charts
of Radio Stations, Mp3 websites, and other music sites.

Now, We have been working on the top Downloaded Mp3's on the net, Combining
Charts from many famous sources to get the Top 5 Downloaded songs:

(It's no. 5 on the top 20 songs of 2006)

(A winter song)

It Right



Now comes the top 5 Radio Hits of December. Those songs are the most played
songs all over the world.


album "MOVE ALONG")




Avantasia - Lost In Space Free Rock Song Lyrics Mp3 Video

Avantasia - Lost In Space Free Rock Song Lyrics Mp3 Video
Avantasia - Lost In Space Video Rock Song

Avantasia - Lost In Space Lyrics Rock Song

Avantasia - Lost In Space Free Rock Song Lyrics Mp3 Video

Avantasia - Lost In Space Free Rock Song Lyrics Mp3 Video
Avantasia - Lost In Space Video Rock Song

Avantasia - Lost In Space Lyrics Rock Song

Patcha ช้าไปไหมเธอ Lyrics

Patcha ช้าไปไหมเธอ Lyrics

ได้แค่นั้น แค่เพียงเพื่อนกันเธอบอกแค่นั้น
Daai kee nan kee piang peuan gan ter bok kee nan
ไม่เคยคิดไกลเหมือนอย่างตัวฉัน เธอเสียใจ ขอให้ฉันทำใจ
Meekoi kit lai meuan yaang tua chan ter sia jai khoi chan tam jai
ที่ผ่านมาทำไมไม่บอก เธอไม่รักทำไมไม่บอก
Tee paan maa tammai mee bok ter mee rak tammai mee bok
พูดออกมา ถ้าเธอไม่รักกัน
Pootdokmaa taa ter mee rak gan

ไม่มีใจทำไมไม่บอก มาบอกกันในวันที่รักทั้งใจ
Mai mee jai tammai mee bok maa bok gan nai wan tee rak tang jai
Bok chaa gern bpai mee ter
รักไปแล้ว คงทวนเข็มความรู้สึกไม่ไหว
Rak pai laew kong tuan kem kwaam rooseuk mai wai
ทำดีเพราะรักแต่เธอแค่ไหน นานเท่าไหร่ เธอตัดใจยังไง
Tam dee pror rak tee ter kee nai naan taorai ter tat jai yung ngai

ที่ผ่านมาทำไมไม่บอก เธอไม่รักทำไมไม่บอก
Tee paan maa tammai mee bok ter mai rak tammai mee bok
พูดออกมา ถ้าเธอไม่รักกัน
Pootdokmaa taa ter mee rak gan
ไม่มีใจทำไมไม่บอก มาบอกกันในวันที่รักทั้งใจ
Mai mee jai tammai mee bok maa bok gan nai wan tee rak tang jai
Bok chaa gern pai mee ter

กว่าจะรู้สึกขนาดนี้ เนิ่นๆนาน แต่กลับต้องเสียใจ
Gwaa ja rooseuk kanaat nee nern-nern naan tee glap tong sia jai
ลืมรักเธอเพื่อเริ่มใหม่ ให้หมดเวลาที่เหลือ ที่หายใจ ก็ไม่พอ
Leum rak ter peua rermmai hai mot waylaa tee leua tee haai jai gor mai por

ที่ผ่านมาทำไมไม่บอก เธอไม่รักทำไมไม่บอก
Tee paan maa tammai mee bok ter mai rak tammai mee bok
พูดออกมา ถ้าเธอไม่รักกัน
Pootdokmaa taa ter mee rak gan
ไม่มีใจทำไมไม่บอก มาบอกกันในวันที่รักทั้งใจ
Mai mee jai tammai mee bok maa bok gan nai wan tee rak tang jai
Bok chaa gern pai mee ter

Patcha ช้าไปไหมเธอ Lyrics
Thai Song Lyrics

Patcha ช้าไปไหมเธอ Lyrics

Patcha ช้าไปไหมเธอ Lyrics

ได้แค่นั้น แค่เพียงเพื่อนกันเธอบอกแค่นั้น
Daai kee nan kee piang peuan gan ter bok kee nan
ไม่เคยคิดไกลเหมือนอย่างตัวฉัน เธอเสียใจ ขอให้ฉันทำใจ
Meekoi kit lai meuan yaang tua chan ter sia jai khoi chan tam jai
ที่ผ่านมาทำไมไม่บอก เธอไม่รักทำไมไม่บอก
Tee paan maa tammai mee bok ter mee rak tammai mee bok
พูดออกมา ถ้าเธอไม่รักกัน
Pootdokmaa taa ter mee rak gan

ไม่มีใจทำไมไม่บอก มาบอกกันในวันที่รักทั้งใจ
Mai mee jai tammai mee bok maa bok gan nai wan tee rak tang jai
Bok chaa gern bpai mee ter
รักไปแล้ว คงทวนเข็มความรู้สึกไม่ไหว
Rak pai laew kong tuan kem kwaam rooseuk mai wai
ทำดีเพราะรักแต่เธอแค่ไหน นานเท่าไหร่ เธอตัดใจยังไง
Tam dee pror rak tee ter kee nai naan taorai ter tat jai yung ngai

ที่ผ่านมาทำไมไม่บอก เธอไม่รักทำไมไม่บอก
Tee paan maa tammai mee bok ter mai rak tammai mee bok
พูดออกมา ถ้าเธอไม่รักกัน
Pootdokmaa taa ter mee rak gan
ไม่มีใจทำไมไม่บอก มาบอกกันในวันที่รักทั้งใจ
Mai mee jai tammai mee bok maa bok gan nai wan tee rak tang jai
Bok chaa gern pai mee ter

กว่าจะรู้สึกขนาดนี้ เนิ่นๆนาน แต่กลับต้องเสียใจ
Gwaa ja rooseuk kanaat nee nern-nern naan tee glap tong sia jai
ลืมรักเธอเพื่อเริ่มใหม่ ให้หมดเวลาที่เหลือ ที่หายใจ ก็ไม่พอ
Leum rak ter peua rermmai hai mot waylaa tee leua tee haai jai gor mai por

ที่ผ่านมาทำไมไม่บอก เธอไม่รักทำไมไม่บอก
Tee paan maa tammai mee bok ter mai rak tammai mee bok
พูดออกมา ถ้าเธอไม่รักกัน
Pootdokmaa taa ter mee rak gan
ไม่มีใจทำไมไม่บอก มาบอกกันในวันที่รักทั้งใจ
Mai mee jai tammai mee bok maa bok gan nai wan tee rak tang jai
Bok chaa gern pai mee ter

Patcha ช้าไปไหมเธอ Lyrics
Thai Song Lyrics

Whitney Houston - I Didn't Know My Own Strength

Whitney Houston - I Didn't Know My Own Strength

I Didn't Know My Own Strength Lyrics
Artist: Whitney Houston
Album: I Look to You

Lost touch with my soul
I had no where to turn
I had no where to go
Lost sight of my dream,
Thought it would be the end of me
I thought I’d never make it through
I had no hope to hold on to,
I thought I would break

I didn’t know my own strength
And I crashed down, and I tumbled
But I did not crumble
I got through all the pain
I didn’t know my own strength
Survived my darkest hour
My faith kept me alive
I picked myself back up
Hold my head up high
I was not built to break
I didn’t know my own strength

Found hope in my heart,
I found the light to life
My way out the dark
Found all that I need
Here inside of me
I thought I’d never find my way
I thought I’d never lift that weight
I thought I would break

I didn’t know my own strength
And I crashed down, and I tumbled
But I did not crumble
I got through all the pain
I didn’t know my own strength
Survived my darkest hour
My faith kept me alive
I picked myself back up
Hold my head up high
I was not built to break
I didn’t know my own strength

There were so many times I
Wondered how I’d get through the night I
Thought took all I could take

I didn’t know my own strength
And I crashed down, and I tumbled
But I did not crumble
I got through all the pain
I didn’t know my own strength
Survived my darkest hour
My faith kept me alive
I picked myself back up
Hold my head up high
I was not built to break
I didn’t know my own strength

Whitney Houston - I Didn't Know My Own Strength

Whitney Houston - I Didn't Know My Own Strength

I Didn't Know My Own Strength Lyrics
Artist: Whitney Houston
Album: I Look to You

Lost touch with my soul
I had no where to turn
I had no where to go
Lost sight of my dream,
Thought it would be the end of me
I thought I’d never make it through
I had no hope to hold on to,
I thought I would break

I didn’t know my own strength
And I crashed down, and I tumbled
But I did not crumble
I got through all the pain
I didn’t know my own strength
Survived my darkest hour
My faith kept me alive
I picked myself back up
Hold my head up high
I was not built to break
I didn’t know my own strength

Found hope in my heart,
I found the light to life
My way out the dark
Found all that I need
Here inside of me
I thought I’d never find my way
I thought I’d never lift that weight
I thought I would break

I didn’t know my own strength
And I crashed down, and I tumbled
But I did not crumble
I got through all the pain
I didn’t know my own strength
Survived my darkest hour
My faith kept me alive
I picked myself back up
Hold my head up high
I was not built to break
I didn’t know my own strength

There were so many times I
Wondered how I’d get through the night I
Thought took all I could take

I didn’t know my own strength
And I crashed down, and I tumbled
But I did not crumble
I got through all the pain
I didn’t know my own strength
Survived my darkest hour
My faith kept me alive
I picked myself back up
Hold my head up high
I was not built to break
I didn’t know my own strength