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Google AJAX Search API (Beta) Google Code Home > Google AJAX Search API > Wizards > Book Bar Wizard AJAX Search API Start Using the API AJAX Search Wizards Developer Guide Class Reference Code Samples Community Samples Knowledge Base AJAX APIs Blog Developer Forum Search Google Code Book Bar Wizard - Put Google Book Search Results on Your Web Page Embed a book bar on your web page and let your users see Google Book Search results for search expressions that you define. Customize how the book bar should be displayed, and this wizard will write the code for you. Customize it Orientation: vertical horizontal Search Expression: Note: You can either specify a single expression or a comma separated list of expressions powered by Tell us about your web site This control is based on the Google AJAX Search API. This API requires a free API key that's associated with your Google Account and the URL of your web site. By using this API you are agreeing to the AJAX Search API terms of use. Site URL: Generate code for your web page Loading... Your customization has changed. Regenerate code The code has been updated. Copy and paste the following where you want your book bar to appear. Do not place it within the ... section of your page unless you plan on relocating the
elements out of this chunk of code.
More about the Book Bar If you're curious about what else you can do with the Book Bar, check out the GSbookBar documentation. Getting Help If you have questions or problems, please check out our AJAX Search API discussion group to see if anyone has had the same problem you're wrestling with. The Google AJAX Search API team also participates in the group and answers questions. ©2007 Google - Google Home - We're Hiring - Terms of Service - Developer Forum

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sorry folks...

Sorry that I didn't blog today. A mix of slow news, hot weather, and too much else to do. Though I did get a lot of work done on my book about Hollywood business today, so it wasn't a complete wank.

My search for a literary agent is going strong. I sent out just about a dozen queries for this round, got 3 rejections so far, and all the rejections had one thing in common. All three came literally within the amount of time it took to hit the reply button, and paste in a form rejection letter, which tells me that those agents didn't even read the materials their submission guidelines asked for. The fastest was literally within an hour of the e-mail query being sent.

Well, if they don't bother to read the letter and the other materials their guidelines claimed to ask for, I won't be wasting my time with them.

Anyway, posting for tomorrow is a tad uncertain. I have to attend a funeral tomorrow, and will be gone most of the day, and Saturday is the annual summer library overstock sale. Which has a huge selection of used books at rock bottom prices. So I will probably be going ape-shit crazy at the sale, like I do every year.

Be good, and I'll be back posting as soon as possible, until then feel free to read my last two posts, and place your 2 cents in the comments.

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