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Thursday, August 13, 2009


Entertainers, like athletes, have a hard time letting go of what once was, in exchange for what now is: a feeble body that can not generate the type of performance that the public has grown accustomed to seeing. Usually when it happens you step-down. But Michael Jackson attempted to step-up.
Still carrying the distinction as perhaps the last black artist who can sell out a stadium, and being painfully aware of his increasing physical limitations, he attempted to cater to the desires of his fiercely loyal fans just one more time. He would tour again and restore himself (and reputation) via the platform on which he is most comfortable, and the one that launched his illustrious career: the stage.
The This Is It Tour was set to begin in July, 2009.
Michael Jackson (who had not performed on this level in over 8 years) knew what the fans would be expecting: the old Michael Jackson. Like any polished professional who is aware of his brand, he attempted to deliver on those expectations. What medications/drugs he took (which may have jeopardized his health in order to honor those expectations) may never be known.
What is known is that Michael Jackson issued a call to action himself, in response to requests from his fans to honor them one more time with his physical presence. He agreed; but with the condition that this would be it.
So the man who created magical Pop music in the 70s that instantly transported people to happier times in their lives; defined an era; set the world on fire during his mesmerizing solo performance on the Motown 25 TV special with his "moonwalk" and single glitter

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