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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Michael Jackson - The Spiritual Teacher-1

He said in an interview once, "If you really want to know about me, listen to the lyrics in my song - Have You Seen My Childhood." The Lyrics are as follow: "Have You Seen My Childhood? I'm searching for the world that I come from. Cause I've been looking around, in the lost and found of my heart. No one understands me, They view it as such strange eccentricities...Cause I keep kidding around. Like a child, but pardon me...People say I'm not okay, Cause I love such elementary things...It's been my fate to compensate, for the Childhood I've never known...Before you judge me, try hard to love me."
Michael Jackson suffered greatly internally. The only place he felt free was on stage. When he performed he was "being" and in alignment with his divine purpose. He knew he wasn't being judged by his fans...we loved and still love him. He utilized his God-given talents and abilities with every fiber and cell in his body. He poured his heart and soul into each performance, with fans at every corner and stretch of the world receiving him. Michael Jackson sincerely loved us. He suffered even more at the condemnation and crude perceptions of those who have no conscience. Those individuals who use such cowardly covers stating: "I'm Just A Reporter Reporting The News," or "I Just Want To Sell My Tabloids." These vicious people sought fame and fortune, out of their own envious ways, destroying those to whom the stories are written about. They are so blinded by having the "exclusive story" that they are not stopping to even think about the detrimental effects of their actions. Over the years, they devastatingly touched the soul of one of God's Angels. This, along with his personal issues, had kept Michael Jackson in constant emotional pain, mental pain and lifelong turmoil for most of his life.

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