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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Michael Jackson - The Spiritual Teacher-5

- Dilauded (a painkiller he took orally for the same problem),
- Vicodin (the third painkiller that was prescribed recently because of the back pain),
- Soma (used for muscle relaxation, he took them orally),
- Xanax (anti anxiety drug, he took them orally, twice daily),
- Zoloft (antidepressant that influence his serotonin level in the brain, he took it orally, daily)
- Paxil (another antidepressant that influences serotonin levels in the brain),
- Antibiotics to stop skin infection after minor surgery.
This is enormous amount of drugs for anyone, even for a healthy person, but for Michael they were probably fatal.
It looks like Michael's eating disorder definitely contributed to his death. All the things make you wonder why the medical professionals who looked after Michael didn't do anything before his death about his eating problems.
You have to ask yourself why they allow him to stay on so many drugs while his body weight was extremely low. It is just another example of how little most medical professionals know or understand the seriousness of an eating disorder.
Michael would have had his eating disorder to cope with the stress in life. His Anorexia and Bulimia would have temporary made him feel good and he may have felt that nothing could hurt him while he had an eating disorder. This is quite common for suffers of an eating disorder, they actually think it is doing them good, while in reality it is killing them.
Michael had a myriad of problems we are all aware of that, but every time he was about to release a new song someone would file a law suit wanting all his money. Many people stayed around him and pretended to be close to him only for the sake of taking money from him one way or another.
The sad fact is that Michael should never have been allowed to develop an eating disorder in the first place; people who were close to him should have got him help years ago.
Eating disorder can get out on hand very quickly and can kill anyone especially if they have the same meticulous personality as Michael had: a perfectionist one.
The best way to stop this happening is to work on your mindset, educate yourself about how the brain works and how people develop these deadly obsessions. The right knowledge may help many of you to get better and not suffer the same fate as Michael Jackson.

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