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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Michael Jackson is as much a part of their lives

Michael Jackson is as much a part of their lives - and occupies as big of a space in their hearts - as he does in the hearts of most black people; however, it's the white media that has shown irreverence for the last decade by dogging him at every given chance.
By choosing to focus on his eccentricities (to which Michael Jackson responded with his song, Leave Me Alone), prosecuting him in the court of public opinion after he was legally acquitted for molestation, and disparagingly referring to him as "Wacko Jacko," the white media certainly contributed to his mounting stress over the years, and short-term exile from the U.S.
Michael Jackson was not physically well, nor physically fit. We took for granted the amount of preparation, discipline, energy, and hard work that he put into being the greatest entertainer that ever lived. The trait of all professionals is how easy they make things look. Michael Jackson performances were well-rehearsed, and characterized by flawless precision and timing. He made them look easy, but they were a physically demanding and often exhaustive undertaking; one that a younger, healthier Michael Jackson was conditioned to executing.
The older, physically and mentally distressed Michael Jackson was never going to be able to honor 50 performance dates. It would have been the equivalent of Michael Jordan coming back at the age of 50 and trying to compete at the same (athletic) level in a playoff game; it's just not possible. Drugs might make it seem possible, but only for a fleeting moment.

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