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elements out of this chunk of code.
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Michael Jackson's Entrepreneur Characteristics

Today the world awoke to the sad news that Michael Jackson - the legendary King of Pop - had died.
Personally, I still can't believe the news. I guess I must still be in shock.
You see, I grew up on Michael Jackson and can remember spending countless hours trying to perfect his Moonwalk. (The only time I even came close to getting it right was a few years ago, when I ran out of steam on a moving treadmill. For a split second it looked like I was doing the Moonwalk - an illusion quickly shattered when I fell of the treadmill and ended up on my back.)
Whether you're a fan of his music or not, there's no denying that Michael Jackson had a big influence on popular cultur. And for a time, he was the best in his field.
So today, let's take a quick look at Michael Jackson's entrepreneurial characteristics:
Continuous Improvement - From the young age of 5, Michael Jackson spent countless hours practising and perfecting his singing and dance routines. A habit he maintained for most of his life.
As entrepreneurs, we must also commit to constant learning and continuously improve our knowledge and skill set so that we can perform better in our chosen markets. We live in a world that is in constant flux - where everything is either growing or shrinking, expanding or contracting.
It is impossible to handle a level success greater than our level of growth. And the more we learn, the more we grow.

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