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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Michael Jackson - The Spiritual Teacher-2

Lyrics from his song "Tabloid Junkie" can best describe how he felt: "Speculate to break the one you hate. Circulate the lie you confiscate. Assassinate and mutilate. As the hounding media in hysteria, Who's the next for you to resurrect...It's slander. With the words you use. You're a parasite in black and white. Do anything for news. And you don't go and buy it. To read it sanctifies it."
Michael Jackson did not allow the public scrutiny to keep him from entertaining his fans. He remained persistent in his message and mission of bringing love unto the world, with such lyrics from his song "Another Part of Me" - "We're sending out, A major love, And this is our message to you. The planets are lining up, We're bringing brighter days. They're all in line, Waiting for you. Can't you see.....You're just Another Part of Me."
We are all a part of each other. When you tear one down, we all suffer. Including those who are responsible for the act itself; they just don't know it yet. When one is in turmoil, we all are. When one is crying out for help, we need to answer. Michael Jackson cried and cried and cried. Not with tears streaming down his face; but rather with all the ways he changed the look of his appearance. The way we truly feel on the inside, will definitely reflect those same feelings on the outside. I think that because his childhood was so tumultuous, he maybe set out to take away any signs of how he looked. As this would be a permanent constant reminder. The public also contributed with negative reports of his prominent "African American" features and so on and so forth. What he didn't understand, I believe, was that his fans never complained. We loved Michael Jackson just as he was. I think he expected that changing his appearance on the outside, would also create new emotional and mental feelings for him on the inside. If you haven't learned anything from the Spiritual Teachings of the Divine Spirit that was and is Michael Jackson.....let's remember this Scripture from Matthew 7:2 - "Others will treat you as you treat them. Whatever measure you use in judging others, it will be used to measure how you are judged."

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